Jedi Master Corin Tok - Multiplayer Content

In this scene, players confront a Jedi that is rumored to be invincible. After fighting their way to him, they find him hanging out in a medical center, standing guard over some wounded republic troops. This smug snake spouts a lot of big talk at the players, before drawing his lightsaber and initiating the fight. After players defeat him in gameplay, there is a second, defeated dialogue where he tells them to go and leave the wounded soldiers in peace. At this point players have one of two options, they can do as he requests, or they can destroy the life support system keeping all the wounded alive.

This is another example of class-specific scripting, a sith warrior will destroy the life support with a lightsaber, a sith inquisitor will use lightning, and an agent or bounty hunter will use a blaster. Then the vote winning player faces off against the beaten Jedi, who is now easily defeated. Sith characters dramatically draw a saber before defeating him in a classic anime style ninja run, agents and bounty hunters draw and fire a salvo that he cannot repel all of, after succumbing to the blaster fire, he falls to the floor, and as he falls he reveals the player in the frame as they whirl the blaster around before returning it to a holstered position.