world quest content: CB-08-4

In this scene, players are completing the quest chain that is started by the clip that opens my cinematic design reel. In this chain, players are sent by Dr. Ianna Cel to the ruins of an old hospital, where a serum for the rakghoul plague that is rampant on the planet Taris was being developed. After defeating the pirates which have taken up residence in the ruins, and acquiring the serum, Dr. Cel realizes that the serum is out-dated and will only protect an exceptionally strong individual (in this case, the player). She asks that they take the out-dated serum and intentionally get infected by rakghouls, in order to create a new cure for the disease. Once players have completed this task, they meet up with CB-08-4 at Waypoint Station Draay, who gathers data to help synthesize the vaccine.

This quest ties into gameplay from the original Knights of the Old Republic, as do a number of the scenes I crafted on Taris. Amongst these are quests where the players visit the wreck of the Endar Spire, or follow a trail of holorecordings that tell the tale of Rukil and the other Outcasts of the Undercity in their search for the Promised Land.

This content, while being exhibited with only a single player, is created to allow as many as four players to play together at once. When the dialogue reaches a choice for the player to make, each participant chooses the option they wish their character to speak, and a random “die-roll” is made, assigning a number to each player. The player with the highest roll then speaks his or her chosen line. This leads to additional levels of complexity, which I discuss further with clips featuring multiplayer conversation.

This kind of quest chain focused primarily on a given “hub”, the places that it sends players encourages them to explore the area, find other nearby quests, and participate in more local story. Not all of our multiplayer content was limited to hubs, some of the multiplayer content contains a narrative arc which spans the entire planet, and which players can progress through as a team. I was responsible for working on the world narrative arc for the Imperial faction on Han Solo’s home planet, Corellia. Some examples of work from that arc are below.