Lord & Lady Dak-ah - Class Story Content

This was a scene I worked on very early on in my time at BioWare. It’s part of the bounty hunter’s class quest on the Imperial capitol planet, Dromund Kaas. Players must seek out three bounties on Dromund Kaas, in order to win a spot in a melee which will determine who gets to enter into the Great Hunt. This is the first target that players must go after, a Republic noble named Altaca. Hot on his trail, players find a holorecording of his lover, Lady Dak-ah, detailing their plans to masquerade as siblings. This is the scene when players catch up to them in the Nexus Room cantina. There are several ways this conversation can play out, however. Players can choose to freeze Altaca in carbonite, they can take Lady Dak-ah up on her offer to kill Altaca and receive additional compensation, or they can choose to fight Lady Dak-ah, claiming she is “way too crazy to live”. If players choose this latter choice, there is an additional conversation with Altaca, where he laments that although she was twisted, he did once love her. I always found their dialogue to be fairly humorous, but it is also a good indicator of what sort of choices the conversation system offers to players.