I took a variety of courses at the University of Texas, but it wasn’t until I took my first ACTLab course that I truly felt at home. In my time there, I ended up taking nine different ACTLab classes, making me one of the most experienced “actlabbies” of the program. The courses encouraged students to do great things, with whatever means we could possibly get our hands on. The ACTLab encouraged us to take risks, be open to criticism, and to share our critiques constructively with our fellow students. This was a fantastic departure from similar courses I had taken where our instructors were harsh critics, offering little encouragement for our efforts, and doing little to guide our development as creative individuals. I felt that what was more important in the ACTLab was our creations and our ideas, rather than our posturing and how straight-faced we could be whilst pointing at a failed project and stating, “Art.”
Linked below are a few of my film works from the ACTLab. I also did a number of audio projects, photo projects, live performance pieces, circuit bending, camera modifying, and more. Our only stated limits were that we could not recite epic poetry, build a flamethrower, or jump onto moving trains.
What is the ACTLab?